This month YogaFit celebrates 20 years of sharing the gift of Yoga Teacher Training with the world. As the largest yoga teacher training school, they are renown for teaching the safest methods of teaching and experiencing yoga. Like YogaFit, my husband and I also celebrated 20 years together this May. I am blessed to have the support of my loving husband encourage me in my yoga journey and him always be my biggest fan!
My Journey -
In July of 2011, certain aspects of my life began to change. I had been an avid yoga student for over a year - but I felt maybe I should do more. During a schedule mishap, 2 instructors went to the same location - leaving none at the location I was attending. After sitting around for a while - listening to some of the many needs of the participants - we finally realized - no one was coming to teach us. Several members of the class nominated me to teach. Even though I had no experience in any type of group fitness, I decided I would 'channel' the teacher that regularly taught the class and do my best. I was amazed the class actually went to end time and the group applauded for me. I then knew I needed to learn how to be a yoga teacher.
After researching online and speaking to some fellow instructors, I decided YogaFit was the best option - and I signed up for my first Level 1 YogaFit training in Ft. Worth, TX in September of 2011. I bought the YogaFit book by Beth Shaw and read every page. Feeling confident I could master teaching yoga, I went to the training.
The training was held in a 24hr Fitness gym, and myself and about 35 others embarked on our journey of teaching yoga. The room was full of new faces - all trying to figure out what was about to happen. The instructor shared information about her background, and then we all shared what led us to this day. Some of the group led other fitness classes and this training allowed them to expand their reach - others just wanted to expand their own practice - and some, like myself, wanted to lead others into the peace we had found with yoga.
At the end of the training I'm not sure I felt the utmost confidence to lead others - but, I knew my first yoga class had already been scheduled. YogaFit encourages Level 1 students to find people not currently doing yoga to share our training with them. Fortunately for me, during the women's ministry meeting at church, several women had agreed to 8 weeks of me leading them in yoga to fulfill my community service hours to receive my Level 1 certificate. I am thankful they enjoyed the experience enough to still come to the same class each week - 6 years later.
At the YogaFit Level 1 training, I signed up for Level 2 - knowing I needed to learn more to be a better instructor. Throughout the next year and a half I was able to finish my 200 hr RYT with YogaFit. Since then, I have continued trainings and have completed the 100hr Warrior program and in November will complete the 500 hr RYT.
YogaFit has been a blessing to me in so many wonderful ways -
I have grown as a yoga student and teacher.
I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful people - students and teachers - that continue to brighten my path each day. I made this video to share some of the highlights of my yogafit journey - including blessings from the training I'm taking right now - YogaFit Journey
My beautiful friend, Holly Hoemke, and I have had a lot of fun being yoga friends, yoga students, and yoga teachers together with YogaFit.
I am able with share healing techniques with so many people I love each day.
I grow as a person in understanding and knowledge of myself and find more compassion and sensitivity to the world around me in each encounter of yoga - in classes I teach, trainings I take and my overall environment.
I feel I am still at the beginning of my yoga journey and have so much more to learn. I am thankful for all of those who allow me to guide them in yoga each week - and for those who share their lovely spirit with me.
I am beyond blessed. I'm thankful for the resources my family provides to help me continue on my journey.
Without their support I wouldn't be able to share and learn. I pray many blessings on the lives of my family and students each day.