It's Earth Day! What does that mean? It was created to help remind us all that we need to be responsible in how we use the resources provided by the earth, how we treat those resources, and how we can help protect those resources (
Using this reminder to help us focus on what we can do to be more responsible with the earth's resources, what do you do?
When I was in high school, one of my teachers encouraged us to choose something to help the environment. My family subscribed to the local newspaper at the time, so I began gathering the newspaper and placing it in a sepearte bag to be recycled. Now, I recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, glass and cans. Most of the time it looks like my garage might explode from the accumulation of recycling ( which is why I would LOVE our city to adopt a curbside recycling service ). It can be annoying to my family when I ask them to be a part of this effort, but they feel pride knowing they are taking care of the earth. And, my husband learned when he helped me deliver our recylcling, it can be a lot of fun to smash the boxes to put them in the containers :)
But, recycling is only one part. We can take our bags to the grocery store to reduce the amount of waste, turn off the water while we brush our teeth, only wash clothes and dishes with a full load; the list goes on, and on.
I would love to know what you do to make your imprint on this earth. How have you become a concsious consumer of the earth's resources?