Are these a part of your life on a regular basis? Does everything always feel so serious? Do we only allow ourselves to have fun if we think those watching us will approve? Are we letting the approval of others control our actions? Do we make time to play? What activity brings Joy to your life?
I know that a lot of times in my life I've allowed what I thought others "might" think of me to dictate how I acted. Why? More than likely, if someone chooses to judge another or spew negative opinions of others, it really wouldn't matter what I did; their feelings would be the same. The only heart we can change is ours! So, PLAY! Have FUN! It's good for you! A lot of times we feel once we've "grown up," we aren't allowed to play anymore. But, play is important for all of us! This is a fun article from The World Of Psychology on the importance of play for adults -
Give yourself permission to PLAY!
Our family's Christmas gift this year was a trip to Disney World. What a great place to play and have fun and act like a kid! And, of course, there had to be yoga along the way! My family, however, was not too crazy about me "embarrassing" them by doing yoga in public! My youngest daughter made an effort to be as far away as me as possible - even if she was the one taking my picture to share with you all the pose-of-the-day! Below is a great example showing the environment around me, and the stares I received from doing funky yoga poses in the middle of Disney World -

Since my daughter was "far away" from me, she could hear the comments from those watching me Stop, Drop and Yoga. Some of the comments were: "I wonder what this attraction is?" "Is this a show?" "How did she do that?"
I think I embarrassed my family the most when I did yoga with the different characters at the parks. However, all of the characters thought it was a lot of fun to do yoga with me! This is a pic of Buzz Lightyear trying to do Infinity pose with me -

It was a little hard for him to manuever in the costume to make that happen, but he sure tried - even though Woody had to help him up off the ground.
So, even though my family didn't enjoy all the stares from others while I was striking a pose, they were very gracious to take my pictures several times a day and we had a lot of fun together at Disney World. Even when conditions aren't optimal, and someone may be embarrassed, I encourage you to do yoga everywhere you go - regardless of what anyone else thinks!
During the month of March our yoga pose challenge is to find time to PLAY! After some of my yoga classes where we've spent some time playing, laughing and sometimes falling on the floor, I say "Thanks for playing with me!" Yoga is play for me, and I hope it's play for you as well. It is a great way to find peace and stretching in the body while also having fun! #DisneyYogaFun was created by finding fun places around each Disney World Park and striking a pose! The pictures represent areas located in Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. Several characters are featured, as well as rides and fun attractions that represent something associated with the various yoga postures.

As you have fun playing with each pose-of-the-day, take your picture and share with me! There is no 'perfect' expression of any pose. All of our bodies are created different, so all of our poses look different! There are also variations of each pose that are accessible for everyone! If I haven't posted an option for you, checking out the tutorial link on YouTube I post each day gives you a step-by-step basis for acheiving each pose. Stopping anywhere along the journey for your pose is wonderful! I appreciate you listening to your body and sharing what your body offers that day. For those that choose to share your pics of the fun poses with me, you'll have the opportunity to win this fun prize! Some cute jewelry made by my friend, Holly, as well as a couple of items to help you enjoy yoga even more! Every day you post a pic you are entered to win! So, the more you post, the greater your chances become! You're welcome to post in the comments on my Facebook page each day, on your own fb or instagram page (be sure to tag me @clarissapyeattyoga), or message me your photos!

Have fun playing this month! I look forward to seeing all of your fun pics!