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Writer's pictureClarissa Pyeatt


It's the beginning of May! Lots of events happen in May - College Graduation, Mother's Day, High School Graduation, and the end of the school year for many - but the most important event in May for me is my wedding anniversary. This year is a momentous occasion as we celebrate 20 years of marriage.

We began dating as I graduated college. Planning my move to another state to attend a different university for graduate school, my sweetie and I began hanging out with no plans to create a relationship. We were having fun just being friends. After just a few weeks, we both knew we were meant to be more.

(Photo taken as a "Selfie" back when you had to develop film and couldn't see what was going to actually end up in the picture until the film was developed.)

Because we spent our time together being "real" - nothing fake, showing all the good, bad and ugly of our personalities, and sharing our true selves in conversation - we ended up growing closer. My plans were already made - I had accepted a graduate assistantship and was planning a move - 200 miles away. But, instead of our lives growing apart - we continued to fall in love.

(Photo taken during one of his visits to Abilene at my grandmother's house)

As I moved away, he planned time to come see me and I planned time to go see him. Maybe not ideal, but where we were. After a few months hanging out together, he proposed to me on his 21st birthday! The weekend before I began graduate school and he began his last year of college we planned our wedding for a time when we could be together in the same state.

(One of our engagement photos)

As we planned the wedding, we checked out everything for the wedding - cakes, invitations, and wedding attire. During the grand opening of a local wedding shop, as I was inside trying on wedding dresses, he was outside watching cars drive by. One of the give-aways of the grand opening was a wedding dress, and we won!!!

(Photo taken at the bridal shop when we won the dress)

May 24, 2017, will mark the 20th anniversary of our wedding. A special time with family and friends, and the start of our wonderful life together.

(Our favorite wedding photo)

In our 20 years of marriage, we have gained two daughters, a puppy, nieces and nephews; lost 3 grandparents and 2 parents. We've watched a ton of music programs, sports games, gymnastic meets, band concerts, football games, dance recitals, and one child learn to drive. We've had multiple homes, cars and jobs; traveled to fun places and experienced tragedies and triumphs. And, through it all, I can't imagine being on this adventure with anyone else.

(Photo taken during our family vacation in July 2016)

I cherish our love and our family. I am so blessed to have someone in my corner encouraging me through life. My husband is my biggest cheerleader and fan - and has helped me in every way possible through our lives together. I am a better person because of his love and encouragement. Our family flourishes through his strength and leadership.

(Photo taken during our family vacation in July 2016)

Several years ago when I became a yoga student, he was the first to notice the positive change it brought out in me. When I began to pursue yoga teacher training, he had complete faith in my ability to share the wonderful benefits of yoga with others. He continues to sacrifice time with me as I share yoga with Abilene. He helps me create yoga pose challenge collages to share with you, and is my inspiration for this month's poses. Even though this isn't an official yoga pose challenge, I encourage you to open your heart and hips this month to invite love to surround you.

My beautiful daughter took this video of me sharing some of the fun poses to guide you as you open your heart and hips.

Some of these fun poses to focus on as we welcome love in our lives -

Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), Wild Thing (Camatkarasana), Proud Pigeon (Eka pada Rajakapotasana - variation), Twisted Lizard Pose (Parivrtta Utthan Pristhasana), Camel (Ustrasana), Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) Reclined Butterfly (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Be sure to share the poses you feel welcome love and light in your life, and join me as we shine that love and light to others. Feel free to tag me as you explore and open your heart and hips this month - and always.

"The light in me see the light in you" - Namaste

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