“If only I was as skinny as her...” “I wish I had his strength...” “If I could only earn as much as he/she does...” ”I am so much better than....I deserve....more than them”....”Does she not realize how rude she is”...
The comparison game never ends well. Maybe we see flaws in our own behavior and others, or want to change our appearance, or have been wronged by someone deeply. Regardless of our reasons for feeling bitterness - We can change it. Even though we’ve read the research that jealousy and bitterness can create a decline in our health , we let the success of others diminish our shine - even though it doesn’t.
Every day we have choices - choices in food, activity, behavior, feelings - and when left to our natural tendencies - we don’t always make the best choices . Our sweet tooth grabs the cupcake, our couch lures us to rest, our anger simmers and boils, we blame others for negative moments in our lives and in turn we aren’t happy. And more than not happy - we are miserable.
The good news is very simple things can make a dramatic change. Helping others - even in small ways - brings more light and happiness in our lives; and in turn creates a positive atmosphere to those receiving our light. Part of the happiness comes from feeling our inner truth and by sharing light with those around us. A very popular saying represented on the t-shirt below is ‘We Rise By Lifting Others’. Our rise is our inner peace - which even though it is sought, many feel it as an impossible goal.
To help us feel inner peace and truth, we can work on inner strength. Yoga helps us with mindfulness - taking time to notice - but more than just noticing - noticing without judgement. That seems to be the hard part - which is where the inner strength helps. We need to focus on seeing and feeling the good to help us block out and properly evaluate the negative.
To help us feel inner strength, we can feel our bodies get stronger and more healthy with our movements. The following is a yoga flow helping to bring strength into our bodies and minds -
This pic breaks down several of the poses -
Mountain, Chair, Twisted Chair, Side Crow, Warrior 2, Humble Warrior, Half Moon, Warrior 3, Forward Fold, Plank, Forearm Plank, Childs Pose, ending in Hero's Pose with Karana Mudra
As we feel stronger on the inside it will be easier to stop the negative thought train that can overwhelm us - which in turn is giving power of our emotions over to others - without them even knowing they have this power. Take the power back, and turn the insults and jealousy we feel - and give out to others - into blessings for them, and contentment and happiness for us. Then - We will all feel more peace.
Peace begins from within.