As the summer is winding down, and schools start up again - we find ourselves with new beginnings in new places with new faces - as well as the ending of some freedom of time and movement options. My favorite time of year is summer, so seeing the beginnings of change is always a little sad - even though change can be wonderful! This year, as school begins, one of my daughters will begin her Freshman year of college; and my other daughter will begin her Sophomore year of high school. Both of them participate in activities that draw them to school before the actual time for classes to begin, so they both have an opportunity to get acclimated back into school - without the stress of classes.

I recently attended a yoga teacher training with my fun yoga friend, Holly. During one of the trainings, we were asked to set an intention. Something we want to express in our thoughts, feelings and actions that help us send beauty into the world. The intention that came to me during that exercise was "I am Love, I am Light." This intention represents a spiritual connection to the Spirit guiding me into sharing the Light and Love with the world. I felt so connected to this intention that I had a bracelet/anklet made with the intention - and got one for both of my daughters to wear as well. The jewelry is just a reminder to seek and share Love and Light in all we do each day. With my thoughts, feelings and actions geared towards such a positive intention, I feel brighter each day.

With kids and teachers now finding themselves in a seated position most of the day, I wanted to help give them an avenue for release while in the chair. About 6 times a week I teach a chair yoga class with various seniors in several retirement centers in town. The focus of those classes is to find stress release throughout the body - mainly releasing all of the joints and relaxing the spine. This allows the body to find calm and rest, as well as engage the muscles supporting our joints to keep us healthy and strong. While most of my chair yoga classes are with our older friends, we all can benefit from the stretches found in the chair. When our bodies have and option to move, we find more release and relaxation. Many times during the day when we find ourselves focusing intently on a project, we may not notice our jaw beginning to clench - or our shoulders lifting towards the ears - or our spine rounding - causing tension throughout the spine and neck.

The video below is a short 3 minute - accelerated - variation of some chair yoga stretches incorporated in most of the chair yoga classes I teach. If watched in slow motion, you can take more time with the stretches. There is no sound, or guided instructions, so watching a few times before fully participating might be helpful.
The following is a picture of some of the stretches featured in the video - All of the stretches are in the chair - so anyone needing to stay seated is able to participate. The stretches in the photo below are only a small portion of the actual movements in the chair - so there is a lot happening in 3 minutes! Some of the pics show Seated Mountain, Seated Lateral Flexion, Seated Cat and Cow, Seated Wide-Legged Forward Bend, Seated Thigh and Leg Lifts, Foot movements with ankle release, Cross body stretches - to stimulate the brain, core and digestion, Spinal Twists, Shoulder/Chest expansion and flexion, Neck movements, and Facial release - including Lion's Breath.

While this is just a small excerpt of options for movement in a chair, these poses allow a vast amount of release in the body - proving - you don't have to get on the floor for great stretching and breathing. When you are sitting down to stretch and relax, you can create your own intention to recite internally as you breathe through the stretches. Adding a mantra/intention/focus to movement helps to integrate the intention more fully into our entire being - allowing it to be accessible when we encounter stressful moments. And, as we all endings and beginnings - there is always some level of stress. So, set your positive intention - and take time to stretch and breathe - Even if you only have a few minutes in a chair.
If your schedule allows time for longer stretches of yoga - and your body feels comfortable getting up and down off the floor - Join me for one of my fun mat yoga classes! This link shows all of my public yoga sessions - with pricing and online purchasing options. Please let me know if you have any questions - or if you think a more personalized private session will work best for your body.
For those that find freedom of movement in the chair - feel free to share any of your fun chair yoga poses or sequences with me! I love to see us all moving! If you share on social media - tag me - @clarissapyeattyoga on either facebook or instagram.
Happy Stretching!